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Odd one...

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:26 am
So my mate comes up to me and he’s like, ‘I’ve got an ID!’.
Obviously I’m buzzed for him, when he says that it’s obviously somebody that looks like him. Come to think of it I’ve only seen a few fakes in the wild, normally people with FID’s who are like ‘these are the best in the world!!’...
Anyways, I check it anyways and I’m confused. Looks like him, so that’s good. But, the hologram on the front is missing. Almost sliced out. Lenticular is present, as is raised text. I’m almost 100% the card is real, so why is the holo missing? Will it still work...? Has it been cut out? Fell out? Anyone ever seen this before?

So I wrote this in notes and forgot to post it. He bought an energy drink, worked, then a 2 in 1, then a few ciders, then he got ‘spiked’😉 and ended up going town. I begged him not to try, but he ran to door. Bouncer took one look and went, ‘cheers pal’. Didn’t even care and they’re not daft there either. What’d yous reckon lol?

Re: Odd one...

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:08 am
by Runin28
Could have just been a lenient club, pubs and shops barely ever ID me and if they do they take fewer than two seconds to look. Now, I do look mid twenties but I've come to learn that 65% of it is the way you carry yourself and the ID does the rest.