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Site Security

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:22 am
by Cylow
Just a few questions.

Are users passwords encrypted or stored in plain text?

Why do we have to register with an email address?

Are our IPs logged?

Re: Site Security

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:09 pm
by UnboundUser
This reply is for everyone to read since we spoke about this on Wickr.

1. Yes user passwords are encrypted and only a salted hash of them is stored.
2. This is the same as any website such as reddit where we come from you could say it's in case of forgotten password however, a real email is not required in that field to sign up.
3. Yes IP's are currently logged. However, this is once again no different to how Reddit works and for those reselling in large quantities should already be protecting them self and taking the correct precautions. Just like I also have to protect myself when accessing this website anyone who has concerns should as well. However, this would not effect the majority of users.