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God got rejected by spoons, what to do?

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I got a friend one of God's new template IDs after I got myself and others a v2, and it was pretty disappointing. It felt flimsy, the laminate was coming off one of them, and the colours were faded. She tried it still, but it was rejected on the first go in spoons. What procedures should I go through now? I could ask for a reprint but I doubt they would be much better, I'm thinking about getting a fakeiduk instead.
You probably won't get a reprint unless you bought the warranty, the reprint covers any defects but not the loss of the ID due to usage. If the laminate is peeling so soon however, this may warrant reprints - so ask g0d nicely and see what happens (he may ask for pics which could present a problem). Overall, g0d's DLs are better than FIDUK's from personal experience and the reviews on the forum. FIDUK's don't come with a duplicate either - the exact reason you were given two and not one, is so that if you do lose it there's still another one to use.

The card may have been taken for lack of lenticular, not for the feel of the card. If I were you, I'd ask for reprints but if you don't get them just continue using the duplicate going ahead. I don't think buying a DL from FIDUK will solve any problems as g0d has now gone back to the old design so I'd recommend buying more from him if you wanted some more.

Some spoons can be pretty strict with IDs, I'm doubtful that this alone says much about the quality of the ID used and g0d definitely won't reprint just because you lost it on the first attempt.