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Surname Misaligned. Am I entitled to a Reprint?

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Yep, my 2 ID’s have fucked up surnames but my mate’s doesn’t. I tried contacting god for a reprint but his response was.

“i have checked, there is no probl to use it.”

I tried using it in my corner shop but the guy instantly knew it was fake. Luckily he was nice enough to give it back to me.

I think g0d is a great vendor but this Misaligned issue is still occurring.
diverge wrote:
Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:04 pm
Honestly the second photo doesn't look all that bad and this is usually the case with most people - one card will look fine and the duplicate will be slightly off. Only the severest cases of the misalignment will warrant a reprint and they obviously don't believe this is.

If you ordered with friends and used discount codes then you likely didn't pay much for them anyway and your IDs will probably work in the majority of places you attempt to use.

No fake ID will ever be perfect, they all have their flaws and if anyone is particularly concerned about their surname being slightly misaligned then they should purchase the 1 year reprint warranty which would automatically entitle them for reprints if this issue occurs with their cards.
This response is perfect. I don’t think either of the ids warrant a reprint because they are hardly misaligned.. Ive had some for a couple mates that are a lot worse than this and have worked in all of the clubs they’ve used them at (including some of the main clubs in Newcastle). The misalignments in these ids are almost minuscule, probs wouldn’t be picked up on