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Banned from ScanNet/IDScan?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:57 pm
by Roscoe
Hi Everyone,

I went out last month with my IDGod and it was taken by the boncers/police. The bouncers scanned it a few times on ScanNet but the machine knew my ID was fake.

I have another fake ID that does scan, however it has the exact same details on this card as it does with the other one that was confiscated.

Does anyone know if my details are put into the ScanNet/IDScan system so I show up as banned or not? I’m really worried as my mates (18+) want me to go out tomorrow night! 😬

P.S : The club I am going to is not the one where my ID was confiscated, but if I was to go back to that club would the ID still work?