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1. Do not post any personal information about yourself or anyone else.
2. Be mature and constructive in your posts here. Criticism is absolutely permitted but let's be nice.
3. Do not advertise vendor services without first asking the moderators.
4. We do not permit the discussion, or sale of fake passports.
5. Do not name specific venues or organisations in relation to using fake IDs.
6. We do not allow the sale of real ID's or documents.
7. Do not describe vendors stealth or how they concealed cards in packages.
8. Do not post order identifiers such as your order number, tracking number or tracking timestamps.
9. Potential vendors must not make posts about their work until confirmed with a moderator.

I've read all the OPSEC guides, spoke to a few other resellers on here, but I had a few questions.

1) What platform is best for advertising your IDs?

2) How can I convince people that I'm a legit ID seller?

3) How would I go about getting people to pay before receiving the IDs? Many people are sceptical about this.
I like instagram for advertising
As for legitimasy tell them so and so has gotten IDs from me and for your first person lettem pay after they receive then tell them to get a group together and you'll give them 20 quid also tell them to collect the money or in wilki's new option transfer the money to you