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Revolut Freelancer

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 11:49 pm
by Johnnyboy
Anyone got experience with Revolut Freelancer Accs? Want to start accepting bank transfer for customers, if I use a god ID with all fake details etc I should be good yeah?

Also, how safe is the money from the revolut account? Can I buy something with the revolut account (such as a MacBook) and get it delivered to my house etc?

Basically my questions are:

Anyone got experience with revolut Freelance accounts?

Is it easy to verify with fake ID and ensure I am anonymous?

How safe is the money? What’s the most efficient way to make the money safe and clean.

I know revolut gets mentioned here regularly but haven’t found certain answers for these questions, all help is much appreciated.

Re: Revolut Freelancer

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 8:14 pm
by Runin28
Just posted this on another topic:
I highly suggest you don't do this - it's so easy for them to fuck you up when it comes to your future finances. I know you might be far off now, but one day you'll want a mortgage or a business loan you could be rejected absolutely everywhere just because you applied to a few accounts as a teenager with a fake ID.

Banks check your details with a Credit Reference Agency (and sometimes a Fraud Prevention Agency) who hold details like your name, DOB and address that you have registered with other accounts. If the CRA, FPA, Bank or any other financial company becomes suspicious, they can put a marker on your credit file (for all the other companies to see) which can really fuck you up. That being said, sometimes you slip through the net and they'll open the account - but one day they will notice and they'll make your life very difficult just out of spite. Do not fuck with the banks, they are insanely powerful.

If you're trying to accept funds from customers, just use Crypto or cash - neither are particularly difficult and it'll be worth the minor aggravation in the long run, trust me.