Runin28 » Sun May 26, 2019 3:43 pm
PudalSystem wrote: ↑Fri May 24, 2019 5:55 pm
how do you get your customers to be fucked with buying BTC? along with getting them verified and able to purchase £70+?
you got a comprehensive guide for dummies or something lol
Most of the customers that pay me with BTC are ordering in massive groups so while I do have a guide, most of the time they all bank transfer to one person that buys the BTC and I'm happy to phone that one person on Wickr or guide them through the process personally. Often they refer other friends (once they're happy with the IDs) and do the BTC stuff on behalf of them for a tenner or a drink down the pub or something. I find most are actually keen to learn about Cryptos and want to see what all the fuss is about - I'm happy to explain the basics to them and have a conversation about it rather than tell them only what they need to know, think this improves the service we offer, and keeps them interested in us and what we do. I do genuinely believe talking to customers in a professional manner makes a big difference - for example I'm happy to pay a drug dealer extra for the same drugs if he isn't an absolute cunt on the phone and always late.
Most of the customers that pay me cash are guys ordering on their own (girls almost always order in groups) or very small groups - often this is great cos it's small enough I can just spend the cash or put it in my bank account. For large groups that really can't be fucked with BTC, I'll store it as stablecoin.
I see the stablecoin as my 'Fake ID Pension', as I'll fund the group's costs from particular orders I know are coming in so the BTC will go straight to GBP without ever going through to the stablecoin account. Most of the people in the group are on commission so I pay them the BTC as soon as it comes in, and I take some BTC every month for myself but most goes to my 'pension'.