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Yeah no bother i was just trying to get the fastest reply hahaha. I'll post a picture of my card if i can remember to, but it's £25 for a reprint so i'm gonna take the gamble as I cannot be arsed losing out on freshers week. I know I'll keep this new card for clubs n bars and my current one for pubs...
Not sure if it's just poor handling of the card or a flaw, but over time my fake has developed quite a few creases in the laminate. Feel like this is a massive giveaway for knowledgable bouncers who know that real ones aren't laminated hahaha. It's been rejected once at a bar with good lighting outs...
Anyone used FAKEIDUK’s 2nd version (flat holo) in a club/pub yet? I’m still a bit baffled by the blue colour of it, and fear it’ll get rejected, but who knows, all my 18+ mates say it looks very legit and that there’s no way I’d get rejected. Any thoughts on past experiences?
Reckon if I just shove it in my bag it'll be cool, cheers guys.
Any experiences? I'm debating it.
Sound advice, the newer version of FAKEIDUK looks like it could get into clubs potentially. I'll use the excuse that a girl spilt nail polish remover on it in the hotel room if anyone asks, fuck it.
First post in this community, respect to it. I made a totally amateur move and allowed a girl to apply nail polish to her own discretion on my new FAKEIDUK card. I joked as she ran back that she'd had probably fucked the card... Only to find out she actually fucked the card. The 'Driving License', m...