The Home Of All Fake ID UK Discussions and Reviews

Doesn't make a difference to use and I don't believe anyone sells a provisional for this reason. Just pretend you've passed your driving test in the same way that you're pretending you're 18.
I see it's use more for clubs, because they tend to know of this kind of ID. Even then, if you get to a club at a good time when there is still a queue, simply seperate yourself from your friends. G0d's DL has too many inconsistencies for clubbing in my opinion, leaves it entirely of the hands of h...
AHAHhha it's just wilk and diveraege and about 50 of us at the biggest club in the UK all with CIT cards ahahhahahahahahahahah and they all have exactly the same DOB ahhahahaah ffssss ahaa imagine the bouncers face sean is like "nah mate we was all just born on the same day and decided it would be ...
Hahahahah i was high on friday and i spent a good hour laughing about how bad the lenticular is on g0ds and that night i had a dream that g0d had ptsd from the lenticular lenses and like had nightmares about em and like they was his worst fear like he walks into his bedroom and rather than a big sp...
My concern is with groups. In the states, it's usually a giveaway when a big group of friends arrive all with DLs from the same state just because that's g0d's best state. Most of my customers buy in groups then all go out together, which is usually fine with a UK DL. The beauty of CIT cards is that...
Card material: The biggest downside to the new cards. Just holding these cards they bend and I feel any bouncer will clock instantly as they aren't firm at all. I get its a sacrifice for the new laminate as Runin28 said but I honestly think the previous cards are better due to them being solid and ...
Yeahhh I know how shitty that is. They always think you’re the one making them as well lol. All I can say is warn them there are issues atm, slow down the op and yeah. Apologize. It’s all you can do haha. Don’t bother advertising the CIT cards yet;) I had one complaining it doesn't cost the same as...
Could you upload a pic that isn't so zoomed?
Can the nail polish remove be acetone or does it need to be acetone free? Don't think it makes a difference, just nicked my mum's, used that without checking anything and it was fine. If it fucks up your card it will probably be ridiculously minor and you've always got your dupe. I don't apply to c...
Did have a look through that but not sure on what it removes and don't want to ruin the ID, in small amounts will it just remove the yellow burns or will it also take off the black of the raised text? Just the yellow gunk. Make sure to use nail polish REMOVER. Nah use normal red nail polish, cover ...