The Home Of All Fake ID UK Discussions and Reviews

UPDATE: I've made plenty of reasonable suggestions such as paying for the shipping costs for reprints, telling him I'm using it as a demo to resell some (that obviously benefits him), trying it out this weekend then asking him again - he just refuses to acknowledge this as an issue. Very disappointe...
Shouldn't be an issue
hey guys so i have a cit card and its working brilliantly. but im going on holiday abroad a few times this summer, and am wondering whether it would be worth getting a DL to get into clubs, because the cit card wouldnt get me in anywhere. is it worth it? DL is way better for abroad, and g0d is 70% ...
Thowaway197 wrote:
Mon May 14, 2018 5:42 pm
That doesn't look normal mate. When u take a photo head on is it the same?
Not while head on, but if tilted ever so slightly (how you'd hold it to inspect the card) it comes straight back. I was told it's "just the way they are"
This normal? Had much higher hopes than this. Will it affect use?

To be fair, the camera struggled a bit to pick up the hologram - the hologram is clear but that white part is there in real life too when viewed under any decent amount of lighting.
Pricing - 7/10 Bought this + a CIT card for £80 total, pretty good for just two IDs, but g0d on sale is just something else. I understand that the prices are on par with g0d's when buying 5+ Shipping - 9/10 Ordered on the 3rd, shipped on the 11th, arrived on the 14th (11 days total). I know he can s...
The photo should be cropped for you, the minor loss of resolution will not make a difference. Don't use 1:1 - it'll just make life difficult.
Thanks for the replies, my only concern is the FakeIdUk ones may not work in America. From my previous orders with him it is quite clear that they are not that great. Irrelevant, they don't see many UK DLs over there so it's highly unlikely to be scrutinised. It'll be rejected for being a foreign D...
Deffo get a DL. FakeIDUK is the only option, g0d just takes too long. I've never actually been IDed in USA (go there quite often) but I look older for some wierd reason, deffo think Brits look more mature than Americans. One more thing - for some strange reason, hotels, businesses and 'security offi...
While you won't receive any further discounts for more than 4 people in one order, I've never had problems with large orders before - if anything, I think it speeds up the process. If you're paranoid about customs, you could always split the order in to groups of 4 and have them sent to different ad...