The Home Of All Fake ID UK Discussions and Reviews

I'm getting reprints printed in the next few days. I'll notify you on the quality when I receive them. I understand what you mean with the bend/thinness. I think g0d will probably see this feedback and revert it if possible. We all need to keep our shit cool though. Don't just boycott the guy's IDs ...
Ahahaha similar thing happened to me today mate... I've used my cit literally everywhere including proper strict clubs and is yet to fail me. Anyway so I pop into asda after collage to pick up some vod for a lil sesh and the woman serving me can't have been more than 19. Give her my cit and she loo...
idk if it's the photo but tbh it looks darker than mine. Not noticeable if you're just going over it once though. I think they're just bullshitting you.
Put it in your suitcase. You'll be fine.
I understand bouncers refusing u for having a fakeid and yeah i get it's illegal but why go through the effort of dragging some 17 year olds to the police as if it's gonna improve their night. Just tell em to piss off and leave it at that People act as if they've never broken the law in their lives...
Couldn't be worse than mine. You put my g0ds to a decent amount of light and you can see where they've been rubbed over with nail polish remover. That and I fucked up my matte spray and the hologram is so hard to see now lmao. I would've personaly covered up the wheel hologram with some paper or so...
CIT’s are usually of very good quality, but remember rejection because of it being fake is different from rejection because they don’t accept PASS. It is not the law to do this. Going into a shop where somebody knows your true age is never a good idea, was a little bit stupid to be fair mate. The g...
I had a similar incident the other day - buying some fags in the co op the woman asks for id give her my cit card. She stares at it and says "oh i dont accept this", i point to the accepted forms of id sign, and she ignores me and calls over her supervisor. Usually just pointing to the 'pass hologr...
Couldn't be worse than mine. You put my g0ds to a decent amount of light and you can see where they've been rubbed over with nail polish remover. That and I fucked up my matte spray and the hologram is so hard to see now lmao.
Alright, so I went to Asda to grab 2 crates for some friends with my Citizen (My g0ds are fucked until reprints and legit just feel fake.) I walked in and went to the self service. The guy asks me for ID, I gave him the citizencard, he looks at it and instantly goes "No way you're that age" (Like y...