The Home Of All Fake ID UK Discussions and Reviews

Just received my latest batch. As people have been saying it's very very bendy, glossy and just not the same as my own one. Also, one of the copies of someone's ID has the top part of a letter rubbed off. I honestly don't know if its worth even giving these out to my customers because it'll give a b...
Definitely stick to a low number of bank transfers or PayPal. Cash or crypto are the only decent ways to go. You can always ask people to change up whatever they pay you to mostly 50s and break those in shops as and when you require to spend it yourself. Paying regular/consistent amounts in to your...
For your own security avoid bank transfer, paypal, cash etc. These are all ways you can easily be compromised and all it takes is one dummy purchase from LE or one of your customers who end up in trouble with LE to hand over your details. Some resellers think it will never happen to them, they aren...
How does everyone handle payments from customers? At the moment I am using a Revolut account, but I don't like having it in my own name. I could do cash, but it's a major pain in the ass and I can't deposit it into my bank too much. I could use crypto, but half of my business is based on the fact yo...