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Just in case you aren't fully convinced yet, take a look at the Irish License. Notice the massive white area behind her head. That's not anything like how the real license should look, the hologram is visible in the graphic which doesn't make sense. If they cant be arsed to even get their preview ri...
Never used it but theyre marked as confirmed scammers on the VVL
Nah mate mine's staying south. Never got one before so I dunno what kinda time frame you're looking at.
Fire away lad.
Mine updated at 11:16 today and is now on the anpost site and status is "ITEM HAS BEEN ACCEPTED". Its 463 and shipped on March 14
I like the idea. When you say a few, it really is a few though, and of that the amount who might contribute to the sub is even smaller, and then again most of them are in Dublin anyway so it probably wont have huge variety of clubs/pubs. No harm in having it though I suppose even if it only helps on...
Yeah I was in the exact same way last night. Absolutely bricking it. Once it gets to 100% your money will be there (provided the adress is correct). The only problem is it takes really long to sync to the blockchain, (you can do a rough estimate by seeing how long it takes to go up 1% and multpliy t...
After transferring money to zcash4win, how long will it take to receive it? Also, is the blockchain sychronized in the corner anything significant? Thanks in advance It only takes 2 or 3 minutes but you can't use your wallet until the wallet is 100% synced to the blockchain. I made this mistake las...